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Hawaiʻi is the largest island in the United States, located in the eponymous state of Hawaiʻi, the southernmost state in the union. It is the southeasternmost of the Hawaiian Islands, a chain of volcanic islands in the North Pacific Ocean. With an area of 4,028 square miles, it has 63% of the Hawaiian archipelago's combined landmass. However, it has onl…
Hawaiʻi is the largest island in the United States, located in the eponymous state of Hawaiʻi, the southernmost state in the union. It is the southeasternmost of the Hawaiian Islands, a chain of volcanic islands in the North Pacific Ocean. With an area of 4,028 square miles, it has 63% of the Hawaiian archipelago's combined landmass. However, it has only 13% of the archipelago's population. The island of Hawaiʻi is the third largest island in Polynesia, behind the North Island and South Island of New Zealand.
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