Jersey is a town in Walton County, Georgia, United States. The population was 146 at the 2020 census. Prior to, and until around 1904, this community was originally known as Centerville since it was almost equidistant from the surrounding towns of: Monroe, Social Circle, Covington, and Loganville,. But, when the town decided to establish a US Post Office of its own, rather than have to travel to the county seat, or... to collect mail, a problem arose. Federal Postal Regulations prohibited two towns in the same State having the same name. This prompted an extended and hot debate in the community that lasted most of the winter. At the time, this area was primarily agricultural and was very well known for its high quality in dairy farming and production of high quality milk.. Only a couple of months prior to this event, Old Man H. D. Ambercrombie had just taken possession of his newly imported—at great expense—full blooded, Jersey Bull from the European Isle of Jersey, acquired to improve the quality of his herd and to increase their milk production. After much debate, the town applied for and was awarded a name change to "Jersey". They were thus able to establish their own unique Postal Address and establish a US Post Office of their own.
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