The Jakarta metropolitan area or Greater Jakarta, known locally as Jabodetabekpunjur is the most populous megapolitan area in Indonesia. It includes the national capital as well as five satellite cities and three complete regencies. The original term "Jabotabek" dated from the late 1970s and was revised to "Jabodetabek" in 1999 when "De" was ins…The Jakarta metropolitan area or Greater Jakarta, known locally as Jabodetabekpunjur is the most populous megapolitan area in Indonesia. It includes the national capital as well as five satellite cities and three complete regencies. The original term "Jabotabek" dated from the late 1970s and was revised to "Jabodetabek" in 1999 when "De" was inserted into the name following its formation. The term "Jabodetabekjur" or "Jabodetabekpunjur" was legalised on the Presidential Regulation Number 54 of 2008, and then the name "Jabodetabekpunjur" is officially used; however, this extension to include part of Cianjur Regency is not included in the figures below.