Sutton Lake is a 1,520-acre reservoir on the Elk River in Braxton and Webster counties, West Virginia. Sutton Lake is located just upstream of Sutton. It was authorized by Congress in the Flood Control Act of 1938. Construction of the dam began in 1956 and was completed in 1961. The dam is 210 feet high, 1,178 feet long, and constructed of concrete. T…Sutton Lake is a 1,520-acre reservoir on the Elk River in Braxton and Webster counties, West Virginia. Sutton Lake is located just upstream of Sutton. It was authorized by Congress in the Flood Control Act of 1938. Construction of the dam began in 1956 and was completed in 1961. The dam is 210 feet high, 1,178 feet long, and constructed of concrete. The lake was named by Congressional action, Public Law 90-46, July 4, 1967.