If suddenly you are unable to use Airplane Mode because it’s greyed out, here are some solutions that you can try out. If it is greyed out in Windows 11/10, then you cannot toggle it ...
Ask a traveler for their thoughts on airplane mode and their response is typically a feeling of indifference. "I never really thought it was a huge deal, but did I comply? Sure," one traveler said ...
Some users have reported a weird issue with their systems where their Windows 11/10 computer gets stuck on Airplane mode. They are unable to deactivate the mode. This, in turn, means that they are ...
Ever wonder why you have to put your phone on "Airplane Mode" on flights? Most people think it's because active cell phones could interfere with the plane's navigation equipment. But that's not ...
Well, according to an Instagram post from NBC Chicago, a pilot went viral sharing what they hear when even just three or four ...
Updated March 4, 2024, by Usama Ali: The Airplane Mode Glitch, or APM glitch, is an exploit that Monopoly GO players use to try and manipulate their dice rolls. Even though this glitch comes with ...
Once in airplane mode, Wi-Fi can generally be turned back on, which allows passengers on a plane to use the in-flight Wi-Fi. It also lets travelers in another country use local Wi-Fi hotspots but ...