Amish churches forbid individuals to pose for face-on-photos for two reasons. First, they cite the second of the Bible's Ten Commandments: "Thou shalt not make… any graven image, or any ...
“They do not follow any of the health laws in the Bible.” Moreover, Elise disclosed that people with tattoos were banned from ...
the Amish in Switzerland and the Mennonite in Holland. Still, they each believe in practicing simple lives based on the Bible. "The majority of Mennonites, the beliefs are the same," Miller said.
but the company’s new Bible also incorporates study groups from more conservative Anabaptist communities, including Old Order Amish, LMC, Evana and the Mennonite Brethren, Roth told the ...
The Amish and the Mennonites both trace their roots ... property based on practices of the early Christian church in the Bible. Some 50,000 Hutterites live in 500 rural communes in the Dakotas ...