Anthracnose leaf blight and stalk rot of corn, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum graminicola, is a disease of worldwide importance. Yield losses can approach 40% and up to 80% lodging has been ...
The disease is most common in Norway maples, but it's also found in silver, sugar, red, sycamore, and Japanese maples.
It is not clear whether the Diplodia stalk rot Anthracnose Stalk Rot. Anthracnose stalk rot has been an important disease in Indiana since the mid 1970s. Anthracnose may occur as an early or late ...
THE Department of Science and Technology (DoST) said fungal and worm diseases were largely behind losses in the onion crop of ...
"Our research also reveals that the NUDIX hydrolase is used as a 'weapon' by many different fungi, including ones that are responsible for causing anthracnose disease in fruit, vegetable and seed ...
In order to distinguish between anthracnose and other leaf spot diseases, you should carefully examine the undersides of leaves for a number of small tan to brown dots, about the size of a pin head.
Two other fungal diseases, early blight and anthracnose, are also significant diseases in Illinois tomato fields. All three ...
"Our research also reveals that the NUDIX hydrolase is used as a 'weapon' by many different fungi, including ones that are responsible for causing anthracnose disease in fruit, vegetable and seed ...