Habitat degradation and erratic rainfall conditions are impacting the movement of birds through northern Australia's ...
In Newcastle, Australia, hundreds of corellas fell from trees in distress, many disoriented and bleeding, with euthanasia ...
Corellas often damage farms and orchards but authorities say misuse of pesticides to poison birds carries heavy penalties ...
The pressures of climate change may be strengthening bonds between unlikely allies in Central Australia's bird community as ...
A beloved Australian bird best known for its stunning tail and powers of mimicry may have a cunning hidden talent. New research has revealed the superb lyrebird to be a resourceful farmer ...
A beloved Australian bird best known for its stunning tail and powers of mimicry may have a cunning hidden talent. New research has revealed the superb lyrebird to be a resourceful farmer ...
Kerguelen is only 440km from Australia's remote Heard and McDonald Islands. Bird flu watchers are concerned the possibility of long-distance transmission could lead to the virus reaching ...
THE detection of avian influenza in a sheep in the United Kingdom has not increased the risks to Australia, a Department of ...
Analysing 17 years of data about the movement of nearly 800 endangered purple-crowned fairy-wrens in north-west Western Australia, researchers have for the first time been able to identify exactly how ...