Knowing how to hit a driver to really maximize power and distance is a great asset to have. However, most club golfers lose ...
I've seen a lot of YouTube instructional content and, for the most part, it's pretty helpful. This particular video is one from Eric Cogorno Golf. He is ...
Welcome to Play Smart, a regular game-improvement column that will help you become a smarter, better golfer. Tiger Woods’ path to stardom started earlier than most. From the moment he ...
The 60-yard shuttle run is akin to that of basketball’s line drills or out and backs. Prospects run 5 yards and back, then 10 yards and back and then 15 yards and back for a total of 60 yards.
Throw the ball. Throw a strike to whatever base you ... The Nationals also intend to add more elements to these drills later in camp when position players arrive. They will have batters and ...