It’s hard to believe that anything could live here, but these deep-sea hydrothermal vents are teaming with life, including species yet to be discovered. In December 2016, researchers operating a ...
Marteilia parasites are a group of protists that infect bivalve mollusks, such as mussels, oysters, and cockles. These parasites can cause significant health issues in their hosts, leading to mass ...
Is it time we championed bivalves? Simmering in pots around the world is a food that could spark a revolution. Most of us have probably eaten it at some point, but it’s an overlooked part of our ...
Li Jingchun and Ó Foighil D. 2012. Host-specific morphologies but no host races in the commensal bivalve Neaeromya rugifera. Invertebrate Biology 131(3): 197-203. Li Jingchun, Ó Foighil D, Middelfart ...