Set in November 2019, the original film follows Rick Deckard, whose job as a police "blade runner" is to hunt and kill bio-engineered androids known as replicants. So-called Nexus 6 replicants are ...
In a conversation with GQ, Ridley Scott shared that the big guns behind Blade Runner seemingly took a little convincing when ...
Blade Runner follows Deckard (Ford), a Blade Runner who must pursue and terminate four escaped Replicants who stole a ship in ...
Director Ridley Scott sat down with GQ magazine for a retrospective video interview and revealed that the financiers on his ...
"Blade Runner 2049," the sequel 35 years in the making ... Super-stylish and deeply human — even with androids and holograms around — the spectacular follow-up takes the detective story ...
titular Blade Runner, Harrison Ford as Rick Deckard, is adapted from Philip K. Dick's equally classic 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. Both film and book are meditations on what it ...
Ridley Scott sat down with GQ magazine for a retrospective video interview and revealed that the financiers on “Blade Runner” originally questioned his decision to cast Harrison Ford in the lead role.