In order for multicellular organisms to develop and grow, their cells must divide. Even in adults, some cell division still occurs. For example, stem cells divide to replenish shed skin cells, or ...
Within multicellular organisms, tissues are organized communities of cells that work together to carry out a specific function. The exact role of a tissue in an organism depends on what types of ...
and both copies within a cell must be mutated in order for uncontrolled division to occur. For example, many cancer cells carry two mutant copies of the gene that codes for p53, a multifunctional ...
Adult stem cells will differentiate into a narrower range of cell types. Bone marrow transplants are an example of adult stem cell transplant. Bone marrow cells will differentiate into different ...
The stages outlined in the following example show a cell with a diploid chromosome number of four (two sets of two chromosomes) undergoing cell division. The replicated chromosomes are not visible ...
In ecology, for example, marine organisms from bacteria to whales display ... which undergoes successive rounds of cell division accompanied by differentiation to produce an adult organism with X ...
Researchers have developed a tool that provides new insights into cause-and-effect relationships between cells and how these ...
Histone proteins, for example, are positively charged proteins ... still unsure how cells achieve chromosome assembly during ...
Scientists captured clear images of biomolecules in single live cells in water for the first time using infrared (IR) ...
Studying human embryonic development is complicated for several reasons. Models derived from pluripotent stem cells ...
Alkylating agents, which work by impairing cell division, and antimetabolites ... In the case of breast cancer, for example, the drug Tamoxifen has been shown in some women to effectively block ...