Two federal programs that help schools, childcare institutions, and food banks purchase from local farmers have been chopped ...
Parents are raising concerns at a Jackson elementary school after claims that the school is running out of lunch for their ...
Even though I work from home most days, I’m always looking for easy, make-ahead lunches that will satisfy me. When you’re ...
said the national School Lunch Program remained largely unchanged between when it was created in 1946 until 2008, when a study found children were eating lunches with too few fruits and vegetables ...
Kids in this group — from households neither ... he deserved this support but also was relieved that he could eat lunch and not worry about how it would impact his family’s budget.
and that it was "an important complement to the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program." Since the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, a greater number of meals have been ...