June 13: Congress sends the Fourteenth Amendment to the states. It writes the Republican vision of how post-Civil War American society should be structured into the U.S. Constitution, out of the ...
However, these staggering numbers still offer profound insight into the immense tragedy experienced by the American people throughout the Civil War.
September 20thUS president Barack Obama calls for the last of Gadafy's forces to surrender as he announces the return of the US ambassador to Tripoli. Gadafy taunts Nato in a speech broadcast by ...
In a survey of survivalists experts provided to Secrets, 70% said that Trump is creating the landscape for civil war.
The military records show that Melvin Bean, Samuel Blalock, John Burns, Albert D.J. Cashier, Lyons Wakeman and Frank Thompson fought on American battlefields during the Civil War. Research shows ...
Civil War surgeons learned fast ... that Franklin Pierce was involved in treasonous activities against the American government—an accusation that infuriated the former president.
It had been listed in a record of 7,200 silent films classified as "lost" Sonja Anderson During the Civil War, Confederates ... were identified at the seventh American president's former property ...