Based on DC's "Green Lantern" comics, "Lanterns" follow a pair of intergalactic cops - the young John Stewart and the more ...
HBO's Lanterns latest cast additional teases how the DCU series will explore the past of John Stewart before he becomes Green Lantern.
In the current DC Comics continuity, and as covered in the Green Lantern: War Journal series that ran from 2023 to 2024, Eleanor Stewart died when she a child through unrevealed circumstances.
The romance between Hawkwoman and the Green Lantern John Stewart was one of the most ... The current family of Green Lantern comics written for the DC All-In initiative have borrowed heavily ...
The real kicker is that DC Comics seems to be giving up on Jon as Superman. The plot summary of Secret Six's second issue refers to Jon as 'Super Son' instead of Superman (even though the last ...