A 20-year-old man has been arrested after allegedly dumping bleach into an Oregon fish hatchery tank while claiming ... broke into the Salmon Trout Enhancement Program (STEP) facility in Gardiner.
Scientists have learned that particles from car tires are a leading culprit in salmon declines in the Pacific Northwest—and ...
Alaska salmon that begin their lives in hatcheries and are released to the sea as fingerlings, return home as adults and ...
Over the last ten years there has been a steady decline in hatchery-reared salmon making their mark on Alaska’s economy.
Chinook salmon have been observed there since 2014, but were all thought to be hatchery strays; the new research shows some salmon returning to Putah Creek to spawn were also born there ...
When captive-bred Pacific salmon leave their hatcheries to swim free in the ocean, they soon take on the look of their wild counterparts, with the color of their sides changing from red to silver, the ...
Chinook salmon have been observed at the creek since 2014, but prior studies had shown them to be strays from hatcheries. This study now confirms that some salmon returning to Putah Creek in the ...
Chinook salmon have been observed in the creek since 2014, but prior studies had shown them to be strays from hatcheries. This new study confirms that some salmon returning to Putah Creek in the ...
The WDFW said in a press release that the “Salmon Creek Hatchery steelhead program is replacing early returning winter ...