I'll always prefer the film look you get from a disposable camera. My arsenal of trusty Fujifilm QuickSnaps are my secret to ...
Along with low-rise jeans and cigarettes, Gen Z can be held responsible for bringing back the disposable camera. Sales have ...
It's no secret that digital has largely overtaken film as the dominant form of photography. Not only are digital cameras capable of remarkable things, but every major camera manufacturer has a ...
Say what you will about disposable cameras, but the fact that they were mass-produced, and are now nearly obsolete, means they are an absolute treasure trove of electronics components when you can ...
[Volzo] set out to find out. Disposable cameras aren’t the most environmentally friendly items, and he rightly points out that a cheap compact camera can deliver the same in a more sustainable ...
If your arm doesn’t hurt after pounding nails, thank Kurt Schroder ’90. And while you’re at it, thank him for the low-cost printed electronic circuits now found in consumer goods around the world.
Similar to the Lomography Lomomatic 110 ($99), the Pentax 17 utilizes one CR2 battery which can be hard to come by cheaply — ...
Is the insistence of using these devices performative? Or is it an attempt to savor the moment and enjoy the little things in such a fast-paced world?
The project rides on the Gen Z revival of digital cameras in the early 2000s and the rising trend of disposable cameras: it ...
Along with low-rise jeans and cigarettes, Gen Z can be held responsible for bringing back the disposable camera. Sales have been on the rise since 2019, according to Fujifilm, who have seen a ...