To save a coastal wetlands, county officials worry Florida Power & Light is jeopardizing the ongoing clean-up of a saltwater ...
After a U.S. Supreme Court decision narrowing wetland protections, the EPA says it will revamp rules many farmers have long opposed.
Last week the Tuscana project was set to be reviewed by Orange County’s Development Review Committee. But applicant ...
In the name of wetlands regulation, would the government punish a rural town of 56 people for draining water off a road to ensure ambulance and fire truck access for its residents? In 2023 ...
Across the street from the Flamingo Visitor Center at the foot of Florida's Everglades National Park, there was once a ...
Beaufort County’s wetlands are disappearing and a Supreme Court decision removed many of their protections. Environmental groups are encouraging local governments to fill the void.
Amazon's plans to build a data center near Bendix Woods County Park would impact almost 10 acres of wetlands and more than ...
princeton — Plans are moving ahead for draining and dredging shallow and muddy Glenwood Lake, restoring its dam and adding a wetlands area for visitors to see when the revitalization project has ...
"Wet-mesic flatwoods have greatly decreased in extent in Michigan due to ditching and draining of wetlands, channelization and damming of streams, development and other activities that weaken ...