The rings form a kind of fingerprint—actually, with its irregularly spaced lines, the pattern bears a remarkably close resemblance to a DNA fingerprint. (See Create a DNA Fingerprint.) ...
The Band 4 is designed to provide secure, passwordless and continuous authentication for people in high-security and ...
The Fingerprint Grape is a Key Item introduced in Elden Ring. Eyeball of the knight Vyke, inflamed yellow. Seared with a repulsive fingerprint burn akin to those that marred his entire body.
The entire Fingerprint Set belongs to Roundtable Knight Vyke (Lord Contender's Evergaol), a boss you'll find in Mountaintops of the Giants. It's easy to get there if you travel from the entrance ...
The basis of the science lies in a tree's unique pattern of growth rings, which acts as a kind of fingerprint. Every year a new ring is added to a tree's trunk and branches, just beneath the bark.