"There’s been something missing in our souls." Massive landlocked body of water resurfaces after more than a century: 'The ...
Last week the Tuscana project was set to be reviewed by Orange County’s Development Review Committee. But applicant ...
On Wednesday at 2:22 p.m. the NWS Wilmington NC issued a flood warning valid from 8 p.m. until Thursday 2 p.m. for Robeson ...
The creation of a fen to act as a "giant sponge" could help restore a flood-prone area to its natural landscape, campaigners ...
As climate change continues to drive global sea level rise, many people living in coastal areas are already seeing the ...
As another resident involved in local flood recovery efforts told me, “You can give us all the money you want; we don’t have any place to build the house.” It has always been costly and time-intensive ...
Some parts of Hawai‘i are sinking faster than others. That discovery also highlights that as sea level rises, the ...
It’s amazing, it’s amazing! I have no other word to describe it.” That’s how biologist Marcos Roberto de Brito defines the ...
Concerning aerial pictures reveal the extent of flooding on land where a new luxury leisure centre will be built.
LUMBERTON — A Flood Warning is in effect through early Thursday along the Lumber River at Lumberton. The river breached to the 13-foot threshold a little before 6 p.m. on Wednesday at the Lumberton ...
Flooding studies are underway in Volusia County cities, and local officials are working together on storm water management.