Watch as this mischievous monkey pulls off hilarious tricks, funny reactions, and adorable antics. Perfect for anyone who loves animal humor and wants to see a playful primate in action.
His latest horror film “The Monkey,” based on King’s 1980 short ... blackly comical cartoon sense of humor similar to the gleeful eviscerations in Stuart Gordon’s “Re-Animator” or ...
As long as the jokes are funny, there’s plenty of space for humor ... That’s also one of the movie’s most glaring faults: “The Monkey” is certain that humans don’t think enough about ...
Nothing’s wrong with a few buckets of blood, but Perkins’ movie waters them down with its repetitious plot and weak attempts at humor. “The Monkey” strains to be a comedy as much as a ...
And although the script never gives him any "funny" material to work with, his no-sell, deadpan deliveries are hilarious at the right times. On top of that, The Monkey oozes Stephen King.