King Tharypas of Epirus, the pioneering ruler who Hellenized the Molossian kingdom, shaped its cultural, political and ...
Greece is particularly wary of the possibility that part of the €800 billion European rearmament fund could flow into ...
One of the most outstanding messengers in ancient history was Euchid, who gained fame for his journey following the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC. It is believed that he covered an impressive distance ...
Greek myth states that the region near Asini was first populated by the Dryopes, an ancient tribe driven out by Hercules.
"The Silent Witness of Time Have Come to Light,” as Excavations in Turkey Reveal Plethora of Greek Gods and Goddesses ...
Andrianopoulos was the father of the legendary “Five brothers”, who were protagonists in Greece’s football world in the 1920s ...
Jewish culture and civilization during the Hellenistic period was in intense dialogue with Hellenistic culture and civilization, beginning with the translation of Hebrew scriptures into Greek ...
Walking into the ruins of an ancient tomb in southern Greece, archaeologists inadvertently joined a centuries-long tradition. The 2,400-year-old tomb had seen all manner of visitors from mourners to ...
385-394 (10 pages) Five mosaic inscriptions adorned the halls of the Byzantine-period monastery at Ḥura, four of them in Greek and one is bilingual. One inscription belongs to an early phase of the ...
The Greek Section also provides programmes to Greek State Radio (ERA) and a number of private local stations in Greece, including Radio Crete 101.5 FM in Heraklion, Aghios Nikolaos 104.4 FM in ...