It’s hard enough just keeping up with who is in charge of the Brexit department these days (it’s the Minister Stephen Barclay, by the way), let alone with what’s actually going on.
Brexit vote, it is estimated that 200,000 UK-based Poles returned home due to issues with uncertainty and bureaucracy. But ...
The speech revealed her desire for what has become known as a “hard Brexit”, setting out the Government’s 12-point “Plan for Britain” and her negotiating red lines, ruling out membership ...
None more so than the ones that were made about Brexit. Exiting the EU would presage an economic rebirth, clearing the path for an independent, free, booming Britain. That has not happened.
After Brexit, border controls were waived for Gibraltarians ... Madrid’s warnings that a “no deal” will mean a hard border ...
Keir Starmer has crossed the street to pick a fight with Britain's businesses', says Shadow Secretary for Science, Innovation ...
This is of course an eminently sensible proposition given young people in the UK have been deprived of so many opportunities by former Conservative prime minister Boris Johnson’s hard Brexit ...
Soriot reiterated his message that the company has planned for all scenarios including a hard Brexit. Nevertheless an “orderly” exit from the EU is a preferred option, said Soriot, who said ...
Normally, this kind of pro-European engagement would set the tabloid press and die-hard Brexit politicians gnashing their teeth all over print, radio, television and social media. So far ...
Brexit was poorly defined in its intentions, expressed as simply being AGAINST EU membership. Not FOR anything tangible. So it's hard to assess. But the implicit objectives (reducing migration ...
Joe Kennedy III and Susan Davis are the new co-chairs of the US-based Ad Hoc Committee to Protect the Good Friday Agreement.