The Original Series had a different likable young navigator before Ensign Chekov joined the show's cast in season 2.
We scoured the internet, cross-referencing Star Trek, actors and actresses, and birth years. Laurence Luckinbill, who played ...
It's difficult to imagine anyone else playing Geordi La Forge other than LeVar Burton on Star Trek, but the role almost went ...
Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the USS Stargazer for 22 years before taking over command of the USS Enterprise-D in Star ...
As Lance Parkin documents in his blog about writing ... Once it became clear that this Star Trek thing could run and run, a lot of people saw that there was money to be made, and the story behind ...
Let's start with a small thought experiment. It's Saturday night and you spot a new "Star Trek" movie on your Paramount+ homepage. You're not a hardcore fan but you enjoyed "The Next Generation ...