For low bar squats, the bar will rest below shoulder level, so it shouldn’t be pressing on any of those bones. (If you don’t know what low bar is, you’re probably not doing it.) Alan Thrall ...
goblet squats, high bar, low bar) to see if some are more comfortable for you than others. Okay, so what if you don’t compete in any squat-centric sport, and you can see upsides to each of the ...
Step back one or two small steps (while remaining inside the squat rack), so the bar can move freely as you do the squats. Legs shoulder-width apart, core engaged. Bend the knees and lower the bar.
Take the bar off the rack using the crease of your ... Keep your elbows tucked in and underneath the weight. If you struggle to squat low, step your feet a little wider. B) Keeping your weight ...