After a forecast predicting no rainfall on Friday, Feb. 7, there was a huge downpour around noon in Menlo Park. It added 0.06″ to the earlier total of 0.01″. The 0.07″  brought the season-to-date to 9 ...
A glass of champagne awaited each patron who stood at the door of Loretta, the new bar in downtown Menlo Park owned by Ali El ...
Exponent Inc. (EXPO) on ...
The Villa Menlo Park becomes an anchor for luxury, culture and dining. The Villa Menlo Park showcases the best in luxury and ...
While Google’s humble garage beginning is Menlo Park’s most famous startup story, fewer people know that the city is also the ...
Outgoing fire marshal Jon Johnston is departing after 25 years of service to the MPFPD, 10 of which he spent as fire marshal.
Feldman's has metamorphosed from a used bookstore into an extension of the community, hosting intimate events with local artists, students and Stanford faculty.
Three parking lots in downtown Menlo Park, California, will be developed into affordable housing, according to an article ...
Gerry’s Cakes has been a fixture of Chestnut Street in Menlo Park for 33 years, but soon owner Sohrab Molavi will have to ...
Silicon Valley's booming tech industry is helping to drive up housing demand, but constant debates over where and how to build, not a lack of resources, are slowing down long-overdue solutions. The ...