According to global intelligence company Intelyse, Michoacan's geographic conditions ... More than 450,000 people have been killed and tens of thousands have gone missing in Mexico since the ...
The wave of violence that keeps Michoacán in the state with the most murders in the country showed its scope with the discovery of at least four people executed inside a house in the capital ...
Expertos forenses continúan con la búsqueda de dos policías federales, desaparecidos en la localidad de La Barca del occidental estado de Michoacán. EFE/Ulises Ruiz Basurto/Archivo Agents of ...
“They have even gone to destroy avocado orchards,” said Claudia Alejandra Sanchez, an activist for Michoacan’s Purepecha indigenous people. Climate Rights International, which has tracked ...
A rugged stretch of the U.S. southern border has seen a steep decline in the illicit movement of people and drugs in recent weeks.