MISSOULA, Mont. — The Missoula County Office of Emergency Management is reminding residents to take precautions ahead of potential flooding. There is forecasted rainfall starting Saturday night ...
On Sunday at 3:45 a.m. the National Weather Service issued a flood watch in effect until Monday at 2 p.m. The watch is for the Missoula Area as well as Flathead, Granite, Lake, Lincoln ...
A Flood Watch is in effect this weekend from the Flathead through Missoula and into the Bitterroot Valleys. This is due to excessive snow-melt in warming days, incoming precipitation, and ice jam ...
MISSOULA, Mont. – Warmer temperatures and ... remain vigilant and take steps to safeguard their homes from potential flooding.
FLOOD WATCH from Saturday afternoon through Monday afternoon for Flathead, Granite, Lake, Lincoln, Mineral, Missoula, Ravalli, and Sanders Counties. Flooding caused by rain and/or snowmelt and/or ...
The outburst flood in East Greenland occurred because ... At the end of the last Ice Age, Lake Missoula had an outburst that was 2,500 times larger than the recent Catalina event.
The NWS said flooding would be possible in Montana's Flathead, Lake, Lincoln, Sanders, Granite, Mineral, Missoula and Ravalli Counties. Flooding was also possible in Clearwater and Idaho Counties ...
Missoula, MT ( KGVO-AM News) - On March 7, 2025, the City of Missoula announced it will conduct a phased closure of the ...
Missoula, MT ( KGVO-AM News) - Missoula in Motion led an effort for the city of Missoula to be officially recognized as an Accredited TDM ( Transportation Demand Management) organization by an agency ...