Jocasta has been questioned by Oedipus for details on the death of King Laius. When she asks what burden Oedipus is carrying and to share his information, this is his reply. A curse has taken a ...
Reprising their roles from the sold-out London staging, Strong plays Oedipus and Manville portrays Jacosta. Strong was last ...
this is all Oedipus’ fault. The set is a thing of minimalist beauty. Indoor scenes take place in almost complete darkness, actors and dancers swaying below spotlights, appearing and disappearing ...
Rae Smith’s spare set, just recessing proscenium arches ... orangely hot outside. Oedipus needs to decide between telling the city to up sticks and migrate (good but hard option) or to give ...
Oedipus is the current King of Thebes ... And now I reckon up the tale of days Since he set forth, and marvel how he fares. 'Tis strange, this endless tarrying, passing strange.