What is a closed-end fund? Unlike mutual funds, CEFs trade on exchanges with fixed shares. See how they work and whether they ...
In mid-2021, the open-end fund’s high-yield allocation topped 30% of assets, while securitized was about 60%. As credit spreads compressed since, along with weakening corporate fundamentals ...
The Board of Directors of BNY Mellon Municipal Income, Inc. (the "Fund"), a registered closed-end fund, approved the ...
the Massachusetts Investors Trust Fund is generally considered the first open-end mutual fund in the industry. The fund, investing in a mix of large-cap stocks, was launched in 1924. The majority ...
The ESMA Consultation Paper on draft regulatory technical standards on open-ended loan-originating AIFs (OE LO AIFs) under the AIFMD, published on ...
Closed-end funds, unlike open-end funds, are not continuously offered. Once issued, common shares of closed-end funds are bought and sold in the open market through a stock exchange and frequently ...
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Board of Directors of BNY Mellon Municipal Income, Inc. (the "Fund"), a registered closed-end fund, approved the reorganization of the Fund with and into BNY Mellon ...