Mathematical models, such as NASA’s Object Reentry Survival Analysis Tool and simplified general perturbations models, can be used to estimate the track of decaying orbital debris. History has ...
Space debris, NASA says, "encompasses both natural meteoroid and artificial (human-made) orbital debris." Since humans don't have much control over meteoroids — except, maybe, for shooting them ...
Astroscale Japan Inc. has announced that it has successfully approached a piece of orbital debris traveling at a high speed to inspect it from a distance of about 15 meters. The Tokyo-based ...
then the debris environment will change too,” Parker said. “We show the long-term outlook on orbital debris is critically dependent on curbing our greenhouse gas emissions.” ...
Japan's Astroscale , a company specialised in removing orbital junk, has agreed with Bengaluru-based space companies ...
First, statistical limitations in current space debris collision models prevent accurate assessments of intentional weaponized attacks on satellites and other orbital assets. Current models ...
"While space debris is rarely a concern for humans ... After a six-month stay, the crew landed safely in the Gobi desert in June. The orbital module that carried them to space continued to orbit ...
There are tens of thousands of plum-sized pieces of space junk that hit with the power of a crashing bus, according to The Aerospace Corporation, which monitors orbital debris. That junk includes ...
then the debris environment will change too," Parker adds. "We show the long-term outlook on orbital debris is critically dependent on curbing our greenhouse gas emissions." ...