It is believed that in the Strait of Gibraltar there may be one individual orca behind most of the attacks. White Gladis and her pod have been ramming boats in the area for the past few years.
The sailor, who has 55 years of experience, said the orcas continued for 30 minutes — even following the boat as it was towed to shore. He caught part of the attack on video. Fox News’ Peter ...
The reason behind the growing number of boat attacks by orcas in the area has perplexed researchers, though some have theorized that the killer whales were taught this behavior by other members of ...
Gangs of orcas are seemingly being taught to attack yachts off the coast of Gibraltar, and scientists believe one killer whale is leading the efforts to strike boats. While The Telegraph suggests ...
(See AWI Quarterly, winter 2023.) Despite the serious damage it can do to boats, this behavior appears to be play from the orcas’ point of view; the interactions should not be considered aggressive ...
Last year, a British yachtsman reported his boat was sunk after being struck by the whales. Scientists suggest these attacks are associated with younger orcas playing. The orcas inhabiting the ...