A new cafe with cozy seats, neon signs and a playful disco theme is now open in Crystal City. Coffee Republic opened last ...
Despite the rise in ready-to-drink cold brew products, there are limited selections for coffee drinkers who want to drink ...
Chalk up another win for the 400 block on Elmwood Avenue. Haraz Coffee House has opened its doors at 471 Elmwood, bringing ...
Fair Mountain Coffee Roasters offers certified organic coffee of just three everchanging international origins each day. The shop selects high-quality and sometimes very small-production coffee ...
Potomac Roasting Company has exquisite new coffee from Peru and Mexico, rounding out our selections of fresh roasted coffee ...
Arabica and Robusta, the plants from which most coffee in the U.S. is derived, have seen a drastic increase in the price per ...
Hours: Kuva Coffee Company provides Fair Trade certified, Rainforest Alliance certified and organic coffees to independent consumers via www.kuvacoffee.com, the Tower Grove Farmer's market and ...