A two-part film based on Hitoshi Iwaaki's sci-fi horror manga of the same name. Humanity is suffering from a series of mysterious murders across the globe, known as the 'Mincemeat murders'.
A two-part film based on Hitoshi Iwaaki's sci-fi horror manga of the same name. Humanity is suffering from a series of mysterious murders across the globe, known as the 'Mincemeat murders'.
Tiny creatures called "Parasytes" have arrived on Earth with the sole purpose of taking over human brains and preying on mankind. One latches on to ...ordinary high school student, Shinichi Izumi.
Alright, buckle up, dear parents, because we're about to dive into the world of Parasyte: The Grey, the show that’s a smorgasbord of sci-fi, horror, and a dash of "what on earth did I just watch?" ...
17-year-old Shinichi Izumi is partially infected by a Parasyte, monsters that butcher and consume humans. He must learn to co-exist with the creature if he is to survive both the life of a Parasyte ...
The six-part series is an adaptation of Hitoshi Iwaaki's classic Japanese manga Parasyte, a huge hit in the 1980s and 90s ...
Tiny creatures called "Parasites" have arrived on Earth with the sole purpose of taking over human bodies and preying on mankind. One such Parasite latches... on to ordinary high school student, ...