I know it's hard to wait, but cooler winter temperatures after planting send the plant into full dormancy and reset growth buds. Most peonies are sold as bare-root specimens and should be planted when ...
Read more: 10 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Planting Hydrangeas Peonies are very long-lived, but it may take several years for a bare root peony to get established and start producing flowers every ...
I really love peonies; they are a true favourite of mine. They mainly flower from May into June with a dazzling floral display.
Be wary of bare-root plants sold in retail settings where they may have been out of the ground for weeks. Keep them moist. As soon as the plant arrives, check to make sure its roots have not dried ...
Bare root planting is the easiest and most cost-effective way to plant trees and shrubs. Pictured above is witch hazel, bare root on left and with container on right. Photo courtesy of Turnbull ...
The appearance and fragrance of peonies evoke the best memories of Southern gardening. My mother had a bed of peonies along the driveway that made you roll down the window or stop the car to enjoy ...