World Planting Day is celebrated on March 21, encouraging people to plant trees and engage in sustainable gardening practices ...
If creating a calm, balanced and aesthetically pleasing home is your goal, then you probably already appreciate the power of indoor plants. More than just decorative additions, houseplants play a ...
Ever feel like your advice falls on deaf ears? What if your words actually shaped someone’s thoughts and decisions weeks, ...
We have heard the saying: 'April showers brings May flowers.' This proverb leaves out the critical role of lightning.
Try to fathom the power of 1 million nuclear power plants. Now, imagine there is a way to pack the equivalent of that into ...
These late-blooming plants native to North America help feed butterflies — especially monarchs-— at a crucial point.
Photons filter down through the atmosphere and are eagerly absorbed by light-powered organisms such as plants and algae. Through photosynthesis, the particles of light power a cellular reaction ...
How we do that often depends on Mother Nature. For instance, a sunny and 65-degree day in May means our primary, or baseload, power plants can keep the energy flowing. However, as we all know too well ...