it observed an unmistakable nimbus around Pluto that was a thin but substantial atmosphere. In this nitrogen dominated shell, scientists counted up to twenty distinct layers of air. Compare that ...
Over millions of years, that atmosphere escaped into space. Pluto is the only place in the solar system where we can study something similar happening today, Stern says, even though its atmosphere ...
The mission confirmed that Pluto is far from a lifeless rock — it has a dynamic surface, an atmosphere, and potential ...
A blue atmosphere, smooth areas, and youthful mountain ranges - this dwarf planet is full of surprises. When NASA's New Horizons probe flew past Pluto in July 2015, the images it returned astonished ...
Factors that distinguish Pluto from the terrestrial and Jovian planets include its composition (ice, rock, and frozen gases), changing atmosphere, small size, comparatively large moon, and its ...
One of the most surprising finds was how thick its atmosphere was, which scientists learned only after the spacecraft passed Pluto. After flying over Pluto's surface, New Horizons turned around ...