"You walk down the streets here and it's disgusting," said Joe Thompson, who lives on Rookery Road in the student ...
African giant pouched rats like Carolina prevented nearly 400,000 new cases of a deadly disease. It's possible because of ...
Trailing behind Queens CB 8 on the list of districts with the highest rat report increases year-over-year are Bronx CB 10 in ...
A Stark County couple is facing animal cruelty charges after authorities discovered horrific conditions inside their home.
“Someone has left a rat three times in front of our building ... no help,” also claims that neighbors are deliberately leaving bread outside the restaurant to attract mice.
Chubby Chicks Cafe owner Shakeira Turner said a sign was stolen, coffee poured under her door, the ground-floor bathroom was flooded multiple times and dead rats were found outside the restaurant ...
On Wednesday, Canton police and health inspectors executed search warrants at the home of 45-year-old Billy Jack Park on Wertz Avenue SW after receiving a complaint about rats inside and outside ...