It also has implications for the control of rice blast disease, because proteins that are involved in infection could be targets for the development of new fungicides.
Nontoxic disease control solution outperforms existing products and increases yields by up to 2 tons per hectare.
Scientists have noted that people with heart disease or those using ... they produced rice grains that contained 75 percent CoQ10 in their leaves and grain, amounting to roughly five micrograms ...
Lower levels of the coenzyme have been found in people with heart disease or those ... The biofortified rice had a proportion of 75 per cent CoQ10 in its leaves and grain, which amounted to ...
The discovery of a powerful "weapon" used by many disease-causing fungi to infect and destroy major food crop staples, such as rice and corn, could offer new strategies to bolster global food ...
The trials confirm Phytalix provides unparalleled defense against Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) in rice, effectively protecting one of the world’s most important food sources and increasing yields by up ...