In many countries around the world, a fifth or more of adults have left the religious group in which they were raised.
Email: [[mjmclaughlin]] Office: Wren 312 Interests: South Asian Religions, History and Philosophy of Meditation and Yoga, Sacred Space in South Asia, Tomb and Relic Traditions, Sustainability and ...
Nearly a quarter of the world’s people live in the geographic area known as South Asia, making it one of the most densely-populated places on the planet. Representing a multiplicity of religions, ...
My ethnographic interests are in South Asia, with a research focus on the Tamils and Muslims of south India and Sri Lanka. My recent book, Crucible of Conflict (Duke 2008), analyzes matrilineal Hindu ...
Nearly a quarter of the world’s people live in the geographic area known as South Asia, making it one of the most densely-populated places on the planet. Representing a multiplicity of religions, ...