The camps will focus on a wide array of sports: basketball, dodgeball, football, kickball, wiffleball, hockey, soccer, and handball ... with fun for all the kids. We look forward to offering ...
As a measure of participation, several studies have investigated the relationship between training load and injuries in a variety of sports other than handball, and there is growing evidence that a ...
Handball as we know it was invented in Germany and Scandinavia in the late 1800s, but sports of a similar nature can be traced back all the way to ancient Greece. A game known as ourania was described ...
A competitive handball team consists of seven players per side, with all players (with the exception of the goalkeeper) being interchangeable during the game. Like most team sports, the team has ...
In handball, a goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes between the goalposts and travels fully over the goal line. However, a goal is not awarded until the referee has signalled this and ...
Correspondence to Dr Elsa Kristiansen, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, P.O. Box 4014, Ullevaal, Oslo, Norway; elsa{at} Objective The aim of the present study was to examine how six ...