A story about Kanan Jarrus’ early training would fit perfectly in the latest comic series, Jedi Knights, and bring back two ...
Kanan Jarrus exhibited a level of Force mastery that Luke Skywalker never displayed throughout the comics or the original and sequel trilogies.
Out of centuries of Jedi history and endless variations of lightsabers, some stand out more than others. Let’s check out some ...
When Hera and Ezra — waiting aboard the Ghost to provide escape — see Kallus’ ship, they have to take quick action to warn their friends. Ezra takes it upon himself to board the Imperial ship, locate ...
Fugitive Jedi Kanan Jarrus takes him on as his Padawan. (Star Wars Rebels) 4 BBY - Rebel informant Fulcrum revealed to be Ahsoka Tano. Empire commences the Siege of Lothal. The Emperor unleashes ...