Luckily, the solution was simple.In order to prevent our basement from flooding during heavy rain, we installed a new gutter ...
Following these expert tips could prevent your garden from flooding in the future (Image: Getty) You should also make sure to ...
Advertisement Paul Abrams, public relations director at Roto-Rooter, says that garden hoses attached ... the water main to your house to prevent uncontrolled flooding if your pipes have cracked ...
Now, the county is working to identify which areas are susceptible to flooding and find solutions to prevent this from happening again. They are kicking off a project to update the Stormwater ...
WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAW) - With the snow storm on our way, it is important to be prepared in case of flooding in your home. It is important to take the proper steps to prevent any damage to your home.
Here’s how residents can reduce and prevent flooding in their homes. Residents may consider installing a rain garden or rain barrels in their yards to reduce the amount of rainwater running off ...