Since the advent of geobrowser Google Earth, a number of strange and mysterious things around the globe are visible.
A HUGE adventure park that first opened more than 30 years ago has been described as a cross between Alice and Wonderland and ...
If you just chill the fuck out, you will just have more fun. If you just slow down, stop worrying about it so much, go back, look at things, mess around, engage with it, you will find all of the joy ...
What started in the eighties as a private folly with a small wood, a tower and a grotto, snowballed into The Forbidden Corner, an attraction billed as 'the strangest place in the world'.
extraordinary statues – these are what visitors can expect to find at 'the strangest place in the world' AKA The Forbidden Forest in the Yorkshire Dales. This unusual visitor attraction is 'a ...
They are real names of places that exist in the North East and they are certainly not alone when it comes to finding some of the strangest names in the region. There are more than 1,000 rude and ...