One of the things that may have held back your sound design aspirations is just how complex soft synths can look. Sometimes this is done deliberately – developers want their creations to look ...
Here’s how it works. Where soft synths really start to come into their own is not so much by what each part of the synth does, but how they can interact with one another. LFOs, or low-frequency ...
Computer code written in GAUSS (*.g), MATLAB (*.m) and R (*.R) is available to reproduce relevant examples in the text, figures in the text that are not part of an example, the applications presented ...
That’s how we felt when we received a tip about Zynthian, a fully open source (hardware and software) synthesizer. You can buy the kit online directly from the developers, or build your own from ...
It’s a music-making environment that’s programmable in Python, runs on your big computer or on an ESP32-S3, and comes complete with some nice sounding synth engines, a sequencer, and a drum ...
Typically, Gaussmeters measure a magnetic field or flux density in metric units of gauss (G) or the international system (IS) unit tesla (T). Magnetometers and Gaussmeters are sometimes ...
DNA synthesizers may be programmable to handle batch analysis and are typically differentiated by cycle times and sample capacity and purity. A DNA synthesizer may also be PC compatible, allowing ...