A quick search of eBay right now shows a few of these hats available, listed for anywhere from $36 bucks (looks like a ...
Here is more on why the Rangers cap will not be available to purchase. The Rangers' new MLB hat blended the team's "TEXAS" jersey wordmark with their signature block "T" logo. On the cap ...
Earlier this week, a new awkwardly-designed Rangers cap from New Era drew plenty of attention for what it unintentionally ...
Texas. MLB Photos via Getty Images While that hat was pulled from sale, it wasn’t before some fans were able to purchase it. MLB officials declined to comment to the Dallas Morning News about ...
The hats have the logo of each team over the team's nickname. The Rangers' hat has a big T over Texas, which makes it looks like it spells out a Spanish slang vulgarity. The Dallas Morning News ...
Particularly the Texas Rangers' hat. In fact, the slip-up was so bad that the hat actually needed to be pulled from stores. The overlap between the Rangers' primary logo, the word "Texas" spelled ...
The Texas Rangers ballcap that reads "TETAS" which refers to a woman's boobs, has been ofifically pulled from the shelves.
The Texas Rangers rolled out a new hat this week, but it was quickly pulled from online stores after fans pointed out that it seemed quite inappropriate to Spanish speakers. This week, Major ...
When it comes to sports apparel, it can be tough to predict what’s really going to be popular, just like anything else. And we got a great example of that on Wednesday, after the Texas Rangers were ...