Kenny Rogers performing "The Gambler" on 'The Muppet Show' is a cigarette-filled, human-handed sight to behold.
When Alice Cooper Turned Kid-Friendly on 'The Muppet Show' "I swear I never had so much fun in my life as that week that I worked with the Muppets." Throughout its five-season run, 'The Muppet ...
T he Muppets are more than just an iconic television show; they’ve become a beloved part of pop culture with their unforgettable humor, charm, and heart. Over the years, The Mup ...
Staff Writer Matt Sorce promotes a Muppets revival — even as Disney is "movin' right along" in the other direction.
However, The Muppets is such a wonderfully charming movie that it feels like a worthy update. Jason Segel stars as Gary, the older adoptive brother of a Muppet named Walter (Peter Linz), as well ...