Here are some recommendations for troubleshooting concrete cracks prior to designing or performing repairs. There are many types of cracks related to different causes but the shared cracking ...
Seeing foundation cracks? Here’s what you need to know and when to seek foundation repair in Dallas-Fort Worth to protect ...
Some say there are two types of concrete – cracked and on ... biological fibers that initial results suggest can heal cracks in concrete. We’re working on a technology that, if we work out ...
Think of it as a “planned” crack; a joint cut into a slab to ensure that as the concrete slab continues to shrink, cracks occurring ... Today, there are two basic types of control joint ...
including oxide jacking and bulk fractures that chip away the material or causes cracks. Other types of damage are due to the metal rebar inserted to reinforce the concrete, with the corrosion of ...
These two types of reinforcement can be combined in a composite to produce a concrete structure much lighter than traditional steel-reinforced ones. If you page through the architecture critic ...