A 'one of a kind' see-through coffin was carried through London as a gypsy woman was put to rest wearing a Victorian wedding ... traveller 'Big Daddy' at funeral led by Rolls Royce procession ...
The ashes of a man who was born in Victorian times and who died in the year Elvis Presley had his first UK hit, are still waiting to be reclaimed by his family. Alexander Anderson died in 1956 at ...
While successive governments try their best to ‘refresh’ the latter, little has been done to update the traditions surrounding funerals since the Victorian period. Often, personal experiences of ...
TAC is a Victorian Government-owned organisation whose ... “The TAC is able to fund the cost of the funeral and cremation – maximum payable under this benefit is $16,200” “TAC covers ...
Much of the UK's funeral legislation dates back to Victorian times and the National Association of Funeral Director (NAFD) has called for clarity on the issue. "The funeral directors feel an ...