ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. - “I don’t want the interview today to be about me. I was a combat engineer, but I was not in the ...
This article explores the topic of military registration. The potential probability of reinstating the draft, the existing ...
The fall of the South Vietnam capital of Saigon on April 30, 1975 — soon to be 50 years ago — effectively spelled the end of ...
The Vietnam War saw the United States military draft approximately 1.9 million service personnel into their ranks from 1954 ...
The New York-born businessman had already avoided being drafted four times by this point, seen as being in college was ...
Draft board volunteers in eight states will participate in a virtual exercise to understand their roles if ever activated.
Second, Clinton attempted to avoid the draft for four years by enrolling ... Bill Clinton a Navy Reserve assignment during the Vietnam war. Clinton said he didn't know anything about it to ...
Pete Celentano of Jackson and Michael Vaccaro of Middletown braved danger and earned medals in Vietnam, but lost paperwork left them unrecognized.